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St Andrew the Apostle
Byzantine Catholic Church
Ordination of Deacon Nick to the Priesthood
By the will of God and by the action of the most holy and life-creating Spirit,
by the blessing of our God-loving Bishop Kurt, the pious deacon Nicholas is being
promoted to the presbyterate. taken from The Ordination of a Presbyter
Last Liturgy as a Deacon
April 25th
"Rejoice always. Pray at all times.
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you
in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16

From Deacon to Presbyter

Deacons present Deacon Nick to Bishop Kurt for Ordination

Fr Jack Custer leads Deacon Nick around Altar
dedicating his life to the service of God

Bishop Kurt speaks words of Ordination

Bishop Kurt's Homily
talks about St Mark's Gospel
and the Ordination of a priest
Fr Nick receives his Priestly Vestments and Cross

Axios! Axios! Axios!

Bishop Kurt with Fr Nick and Family

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